Help! WinRAR/7-zip said CRC failed: corrupt or wrong password.

Do not use 7-zip to extract our RAR archives because it becomes out-of-date nowadays.
If you are unable to get the latest WinRAR, please try Bandizip instead of 7-zip.

1. Check if your download is completed; open each file's download page again and check whether the filesize is consistent or not.
2. Upgrade your WinRAR or Bandizip to the lastest version; using WinRAR is strongly recommended because we compress files by it.
3. We always put 3% recovery record in each RAR file so that you have a chance to fix it yourself. Open the WinRAR main window and use "Tools → Repair archive" to do it.
4. If this message is still occurred, leave a comment to report your problem in that post. Please tell us which part on which filehost has this problem. Don't paste download links directly in order to avoid blocking of our anti-spam system.

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